Good News!

The Gospel or Good News of Jesus

Many years ago, God created this earth (Genesis 1:1).  He created us to love and obey Him (Deuteronomy 10:12) and He gave us freedom to rule the earth (Genesis 1:26).  The first people, Adam and Eve, had a wonderful relationship with God until they did not follow God’s rules or sinned which damaged their relationship with God and significantly changed their lives and everyone else’s lives since then (Genesis 3).

Whether we like to admit it or think about it, we all do things we know we should not do (Romans 3:23).  When we break a traffic or criminal law, there are punishments.  When we do not follow God’s rules or laws, it damages our relationship with God and makes us His enemy (Colossians 1:21).  Because of our sin, the punishment or what we earn is eternal separation from God or death (Romans 6:23).

Fortunately, because of God’s love, He made a way for us to escape this eternal separation or death by sending His Son Jesus to earth to die on a cross in our place to endure the punishment we deserve or earned (1 Peter 3:18).  He then rose from the dead which gives us hope and shows His power over sin and death (2 Corinthians 4:14).  If we truly believe in Jesus and what He did, we are freed or saved from the guilt and punishment through Jesus taking our place (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).  He paid the price we owed.  This is the Good News of Jesus or also described as amazing grace.

When we believe that we are sinners, believe that we deserve God’s punishment and then turn from our ways to follow Jesus (Acts 3:19), He saves us from our sin and changes us from enemies to become His children (John 1:12).  We are not saved by being good or by doing good things but by the sacrifice Jesus made for us by dying on the cross in our place – He paid the debt that we owed (Ephesians 2:8).  To receive this wonderful gift, we must repent or turn from our ways and believe in who Jesus is and what He has done.  Again, this is Good News and amazing grace.

As children of God, we can have a new life following Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17).  God’s Spirit actually comes and lives inside us to help us serve and love God (Romans 8:9).  Our focus changes from doing only what pleases us to following and pleasing Jesus.  This new relationship begins and will continue on earth and throughout eternity – forever!  Following Jesus may not be easy or comfortable but He will be with us always to help us (John 16:33).  He will even use difficult times to help us change and grow.  Bad things may happen that we may not understand but we can completely trust Him (James 1:2-4).  He will be with us to help us and guide us to grow and become more like Him (Matthew 28:20b).

You have the opportunity to experience this Good News or amazing grace in your own life.  This is a very serious and important decision that God can help you with.  You must believe that you are a sinner and that Jesus died to suffer the punishment you deserved.  You will then need to repent or turn from your ways of living to wholeheartedly follow the ways and commands of Jesus.  This will change your life completely here on earth and for eternity.  It is a challenging life but also a life of joy and peace and a promise of heaven instead of eternal punishment.  Why wouldn’t you want a life following Jesus?

For more information or to discuss this further, please contact Marvin Vastbinder, 260-433-3049,  Marvin (and others) can share with you how Jesus has changed their lives.  If you would like begin to explore this yourself, you can read in the Bible about Jesus and this Good News starting with the books Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  There is a lot more to learn and you will surely have questions you will want to discuss.  Please contact Marvin or others for assistance.  What you do with this Good News will affect the rest of your life here on earth and where you spend eternity after you die.